October 25, 2023 - Downtown Pascagoula
5 until 8 pm

live music • vendors • shop and bar crawl

Join us as we mark the 51st anniversary of the Pascagoula abduction!

more details to come!

The Pascagoula Abduction Story

On October 11, 1973 Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing off the west bank of the Pascagoula River. The two men told deputies they heard a whizzing sounds, saw two flashing blue lights, and saw an oval-shaped object. Parker and Hickson say they were "conscious, but paralyzed" while three creatures took them aboard and examined them. 

At first deputies were skeptical, but became believers when the men were left alone and were visibly shaken by what happened. That, paired with the dozens of phone calls police got that night about people claiming to have seen something unusual in the sky, have made the date go down in history.

Join us in downtown Pascagoula as we mark the anniversary of the abduction.

Alien costumes and flare are encouraged!

Illistration by Burton Durand

Want to read more about the abduction? Purchase Calvin Parker's book

“Pascagoula-The Closest Encounter: My Story” on Amazon here.