St. Patrick’s Night Parade Application

Saturday, March 15th | lineup 7 pm | parade rolls 7:30 pm


  • All drivers must have driver’s license, proof of vehicle insurance, and register a 0.000 on PPD breathalyzer at lineup. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  • Drivers must stay with vehicle until parade begins at 7:30 pm.

  • Parade will roll at continuous speed (less than 2 mph) and last 120 minutes. Please keep spacing consistent. Problems with spacing (stopping for any reason other than safety) may result in entry being pulled from parade or not being accepted next year.


  • All entries must lineup on Watts Avenue at Magnolia Street. Participants entering from other areas will be asked to leave staging area and not participate.

  • Do not litter. Remove all trash from staging area or use dumpsters provided. Please do not leave trash/boxes on the road or curbside.

  • All floats must be parked by 6:45 pm to be in the parade; other entries by 7 pm

  • No inappropriate music or inappropriate behavior.

  • No one under 18 may participate in the parade on foot unless part of Military/school marching unit.

  • No riders in bed of a pickup truck.

  • Golf Carts are allowed. Driver must have driver’s license and adhere to City of Pascagoula guidelines.

  • Drivers should not throw anything from the vehicle pulling a float.

  • Failure to abide by these instructions may result in entry being pulled from parade.

St. Pat’s Party Night Parade Application

Questions? Contact Susannah Northrop at or 228-217-7214